This paper presents findings from an analysis of 4th grade science textbooks used in the United Arab Emirates schools, using an analytical descriptive approach to examine their content in light of the sustainable development goals. The results reveal that the environmental dimension of sustainable development (SD) was the most frequently reflected upon in the textbooks, with an occurrence of 18.5%, followed by the economic dimension (11.7%) and the social dimension (4.9%). While the distribution of sustainability themes varied across the textbooks, all four textbooks included references to SD. However, the researchers find that the distribution of these themes was not even, with some themes being absent in some textbooks while being extensively presented in others. These findings suggest that while sustainability is present in 4th grade science textbooks, there is room for improvement in ensuring that all three dimensions of SD are adequately covered in these materials.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2024, Article No: em2383
Publication date: 01 Jan 2024
Online publication date: 06 Dec 2023
Article Views: 1374
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