The research purpose is to determine certain science-based approaches to using distance education technologies in the course of work with preschool children, taking into consideration the special nature of Russian preschool education; to identify the variable-based models for using Distance Education Technologies (DET) in preschool education. The following science-based approaches to the research problem were determined taking into consideration the special nature of Russian preschool education: axiological, personality-oriented, system-activity, technological, integrated. The matrix of DET implementation models in preschool education was presented (model of integrated distance education, Virtual Kindergarten model, Correspondence model, Case-technology model). The study proved that there are real solutions for using DET in preschool education; it also suggested organizational models of DET introduction. The materials of the article can be useful for administrators, educators, teaching staff of preschool educational organizations (PEO), and preschoolers’ parents.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 13, Issue 11, November 2017, 7561-7571
Publication date: 10 Nov 2017
Article Views: 4332
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