This study sought to explore a network of relationships between pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions (MKTF) and their teaching practices. It was based on the mathematical knowledge for teaching framework and the mathematical task framework that identify teacher knowledge domains and teaching practices required for quality teaching of mathematics. Data was collected from 171 PSTs using two instruments: MKTF test and teaching practices test. Though the results showed significant correlations among several domains of the PSTs MKTF, the study identified knowledge of content of fractions and students as the knowledge domain that appeared to find its focus in the future teachers’ minds that connect to all their MKTF domains. Furthermore, out of the five constructs on teaching practices, the study identified: using representations and responding to student’s requests for help as practices with the pronounced influence on the teaching practices of future teachers as they correlated with majority of the constructs defining the PSTs teaching practices. The findings of this study have implications for the training of PSTs in Ghana as well as countries with similar contexts.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 19, Issue 4, April 2023, Article No: em2251
Publication date: 01 Apr 2023
Online publication date: 16 Mar 2023
Article Views: 1488
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