The rapidly developed Internet information technology, the admission to secondary schools has changed from single entry to multiple entries, among which the performance of Basic Competence Test and at schools have replaced Joint University Programs Admissions System. Traditional instruction could no longer cope with such rapidly changing educational environments that the instructional design and methods need to be largely updated in order to keep up with the demand of multiple entries. A teacher should thoroughly utilize computers and the Internet resources in the instruction for enhancing the teaching effect.
Material and methods:
Students in Shanghai Open University are sampled for the questionnaire survey in this study. Total 500 copies of questionnaires are distributed. Having deducted invalid and incomplete ones, 344 copies are valid, with effective retrieval rate 69%.
the results are summarized as below. 1. Mobile learning perception presents significantly positive correlations with study habits. 2. Study habits reveal remarkably positive correlations with continuous learning. 3. Mobile learning perception shows notably positive correlations with continuous learning. 4. Study habits appear mediation effects on the correlation between mobile learning perception and continuous learning.
suggestions are proposed in this study for the service or establishment of education contents, expecting to further help learners acquire knowledge.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2016, 1665-1673
Publication date: 02 Jul 2016
Article Views: 3750
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