Adaptation of the Five Love Language Scale to Turkish Language
Sibel Dincyurek 1 * , Sanel Ince 1
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1 Dogu Akdeniz Universitesi, Gazimagusa, CYPRUS* Corresponding Author


Marriage is a social environment created by individuals with the purpose of sharing their lives and founding their family, and it is of great importance so that the individual can adapt to his environment and becomes a beneficial person to the society. For this reason, it is assumed that knowledge of love language of individuals, developing factors related to marriage harmony satisfaction and conducting new researches will increase the life satisfaction and happiness in marriage. In addition, it is believed that signification of lives of individuals and their reinforcement in emotional and material sense will create the basis of healthy families. The aim of this study is to adapt the Five Love Language Scale developed by Egbert and Polk (2006) to Turkish culture. The sample of this research consists of 459 individuals, 257 of whom are females and 202 of whom are males. Scholars at Education Faculty were utilized in order to perform the validation and reliability study of the scale which was developed for English speaking couples to measure the love language of married individuals and after a preliminary test the scale was adapted to Turkish language.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 14, Issue 5, May 2018, 1999-2008

Publication date: 27 Feb 2018

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