An Evaluation of Gas Law WebQuest Based on Active Learning Style in a Secondary School in Malaysia
Norlidah Alias 1 * , Dorothy DeWitt 1, Saedah Siraj 1
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1 University of Malaya, MALAYSIA* Corresponding Author


In this study, the PTEchLS WebQuest on Gas Laws was evaluated. It was designed for Form Four students with active learning styles. The focus of the evaluation was on the usability and effectiveness of the PTechLS WebQuest. Data were collected from interviews and students’ achievement scores. Two teachers and eight students volunteered to participate in the usability evaluation. In addition, a pretest-posttest design was used to measure the effectiveness of the PTechLS WebQuest on students’ achievement and was implemented with 32 learners with active learning styles. The findings showed that the PTechLS WebQuest for learners with active learning styles was effective in facilitating learning Gas Laws in Physics. In addition, teachers and students had positive perceptions toward PTechLS WebQuest.


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Article Type: Research Article

EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2014, 175-184

Publication date: 15 Dec 2014

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