The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of anchored instruction on the students in secondary school math studies classrooms. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. This research involved both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the effects of anchored instruction on students’ academical achievement, permanence and perceptions about anchored instruction method. Tests used were; before performing the unit pre-test, after completing the unit post-test and to determine the permanence of the information that has been learned permanence-test. Overall, the findings suggest that the students in the experimental group were more successful than students who were taught traditional method in control group. In addition, content analysis results showed that this method was fun and effective for learning.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 10, Issue 6, 2014, 523-530
Publication date: 15 Dec 2014
Article Views: 2454
Article Downloads: 1665
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