The purpose of this research is to determine the digital propensities of post-secondary students (N=409) in various faculties/colleges at a large state university located in southwestern Turkey. It was also examined whether gender, the program attended, socioeconomic status, education type (first and second shift education), the number of family members and the number of computers per household are contributing factors to Information and Communication Technologies use. According to the data analyzed, male students use Information and Communication Technologies more than female students. Results also suggest that faculty attended, education type, family income, the number of computers and children per household are some of the important factors in having high digital propensity index.
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Article Type: Research Article
EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2014, 115-123
Publication date: 15 Dec 2014
Article Views: 3966
Article Downloads: 1839
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